Programming / Software
"The more closely you look at one thing, the less closely can you see something else"-- Werner Heiseberg
Here you can find a small collection of several programs i developed the last years. Beware the programs seem to have the ability to develop random features, so use them at your own risk. My account on Github.
Programming Languages
- J% Ports: Ported Java Applications to J% (Java/J%, Github)
- J%: An Extensible Java Compiler (Java/J%, Github)
- JSLoCCount: Java Source Line of Code Counter Tool (Java, Github)
- CKJM-ext: Chidamber and Kemerer Java Metrics Tool, Extended (Java, Github)
- HTML Help (Win32)
- Trillian2CenterICQ import utility (Perl)
- POP3 Delete utility (Perl)
- POP3Checker (Perl)
- Small File Transfer Client/Server (Java)
- Remove / Purge Debian Packages Scripts (Perl)
- Generate index page from RSS - (Python)
- bibliopy (Python, Github)
- tex-utils (Python, Github)
- JGet (Java)
- NLM (Java)
- Java-Layout: A Collection of Layout Managers (Java, Github)
- Net07: Simple tool for online questionaires/examinations
Papers & Datasets
- Generating the Blueprints of the Java Ecosystem (MSR 2015)
- The Bug Catalog of the Maven Ecosystem (MSR 2014)
- Dismal Code: Studying the Evolution of Security Bugs (LASER 2013)
- Comparative Language Fuzz Testing: Programming Languages vs. Fat Fingers (PLATEAU 2012)
Application Libraries
- FIRE/J (Java)
- SARE - Simple API for Regular Expressions (Java, Github)
- Genetic Algorithm Library in Java (Java)
- SDriver/XPath (Java, abandonware)
- ExpressJS Body-Parser with MsgPack (NodeJS, NPM)
- ExpressJS MessagePack Middleware (NodeJS, NPM)
- PubSub-Cache (NodeJS, NPM)
- Pusher Module, PubSub-Cache (NodeJS, NPM)
- Heroku Python Buildpack with LuaJIT and libffi (Heroku, Github)
- Heroku NodeJS buildback with Java JDK (Heroku, Github)
- Sokoban (Java/applet)
- The anger of pharaoh XXXV (DOS 16-bit)
- The 8-puzzle (Java/applet)
- JAP (Just Another Player) (Win32)
- Simple graphics filter (Binary Thresh holding) & histogram (Java/applet)
- Simple shape drawing (Java/applet)
- QChat (Win32)
- Quoter (DOS 16-bit) & Quoter/Perl (Perl)
- OSS (Win32)
- Dyck word generator (Win32, Linux, Mac OS X)
- Graph Coloring (Win32, Linux)
- Regular Expressions Benchmarking Suite (Java)
- blog-py (Python, Github)