HTML help
General Info
This is a very usefull help replacement for win32 enviroment. When i develpoed this one i was sick of the standard HLP windows help files.I thought that an HTML help would be better, more flexible and easier to create. So i programmed this little help utility. Of course the HTML renderer was pre-written :). The bad thing that i never used this one in my university projects :(.
It's quite easy to configure this one. Just edit the help_show.cfg file. it has the following format:[HTML]
\html # html directory
Help example #The help window title
factory.ico #The window icon file (inactive :-p)
Gray #don't remember :) just let them be, or try any other color
Index #The first button (starting from left) caption
Index #The first button (starting from left) Hint
Next Page
Previous Page
About This Program
To define which HTML files will be included just edit the index.cfg to specify the files - each file per line and index.des which has the descriptions for the HTML files.
a screenshot from the program is shown below:
You can download the program from here.
For any comments,suggestions contact me.