Lecture Notes

  1. Implementation of Information Systems: Programming in Java (2009) Notes Web Site
  2. DIEPTELO (2008) Web Site
  3. Implementation of Information Systems: Programming in Java (2007) Web Site
  4. Computer Networks in the Business Envorinment (2007) Web Site
  5. Computer Networks in the Business Envorinment (2006) Web Site
  6. Design and Implementation of Information Systems (2005) Web Site
  7. E-Commerce Technological Infrastructures (2004) Notes Presentation


  1. Introduction to Regular Expressions (Greek), Presented @ Daemon (10 February 2004)
  2. J%: Integrating Domain-Specific Language with Java, Presented @ Soft-Lab's PL-Seminar (28 December 2007)


  1. Development of a graphical user interface environment for jarpeb (November 2007, Greek)
  2. Development of remote control application for AIBO (October 2006, Greek)
  3. Extending the automated web site maintenance system of ISTLab (October 2006, Greek)
  4. Development of a software library for efficient manipulation of XML documents with the usage of their X-Schema (October 2006, Greek)
  5. Software Development Cost - Domain Specific Languages (Management Science and Technology, October 2005, Greek)
  6. Software Development Cost - Software Refactoring (Management Science and Technology, October 2005, Greek)