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Linux FAQ

Linux FAQ for Windows users

What is that thing with all those buttons and what do I need that... I used Windows without it

The device in question is officialy known as a keyboard and it is used in order to send data to the machine. Windows didn't have any use for it and replaced it with another input device called a mouse. You may have encountered a situation when you needed to use the keyboard when you click on the Word icon so many users are in fact familiar with it. In Linux the use of the keyboard is pretty intense (especialy in the beginning). HOWEVER do not be alarmed. In time you will learn to use it efficiently and productively.

Does Linux use files? Till now I haven't seen any

Linux filesystem DOES have support for files. They are commonly represented as alphanumeric names and NOT as icons. So contrary to popular belief files are in fact a discrete and finite group of data contained in the entity called a hard disk (which is not an icon as well). They are NOT icons and don't have colors or shape. (however many programs use this representation for ease of use).

What is the point in having all those commands. Why can't I just point and click

The use of command line is a very powerful feature that the *NIX operating systems have. It gives you versatility and control that no point and click interface can give you. However the user has the option to use a point and click interface through the X Windows system. You can combine the ease of use of X Windows with the command line.

Oh yeah.. heard about those X Windows. They try to copy my original Windows 95

The X Windows system existed WAY before any M$ Windows appeared. It doesn't copy anything. It just provides a graphical user-interface (GUI) for graphic operations.

So Linux is just like DOS wright?

Wrong. It has nothing to do with DOS. The very basic difference is that Linux is a multitasking-multiuser Operating System (OS) while DOS is NOT. That is enough of a difference.

What a load of bull. Linux is like DOS. What are you talking about. They both have that awful black screen

The black screen is almost the only thing the two OSes have in common.

So I need Linux in order to become a hacker

That is a common misconception that many lusers have. They hear that if they get Linux they are first class hackers. If that is the reason you want to install Linux then in my opinion the ULTIMATE hacker platform is the Sony Playstation. Buy it.

So that Linux Company must get a lot of bucks out of its OS

Linux is not a company. It is the kernel of the OS known as the GNU/Linux which is licensed under the GNU Public License and it is freely distributed over the Internet. His original author Linus Torvalds doesn't get a dime. Just like Bill Gates (I think).

I can't make my games play under Linux. Linux sucks.. It doesn't support games

Linux supports games that are writen (or are ported) for Linux just like Windows supports games that are writen for Windows. It has nothing to do with the OS. Luckily, there is increasing vendor support for games under Linux. Show you care and they will come.

You can do all those things with Linux. BUT can you play FIFA 99?

No, not yet anyway. (and there is no sign that you will in the near future). If you are a gamer just buy the ultimate hacker platform mentioned above.

So I need Windows to run Linux wright?

No you don't. Linux is a completely standalone OS which however can hapily coexist with other OSes like the MS-Windows. It is vital to understand that Windows or DOS is not like the BIOS and is not a necessary compontent for any computer. They are like any other OSes, only worst (did I say that?).

If I install Linux my computer is going to break isn't it?

Absolutely not. It's not. End of story. I can only imagine who tells these hideous lies.

So I have to be a Computer Chip Designer to install and run Linux wright?

No. This is not true. It just needs some willingness to learn some things, a basic understanding of the computer and some IQ. Windows on the other hand can only be benefited by the lack of the above qualities. But generaly no. You don't have to know your computer inside out to install Linux. Just know what your CPU, motherboard and video card is and you'll be fine.

Now you have me all confused... What does my VCR have to do with Linux

The correct question is:"What does my video card have to do with my VCR". The correct answer will be given to you once you buy yout ultimate hacker platform.

So do I have to grow a beard to run Linux like Stallman and Cox?

That will not be necessary. Linus doesn't have a beard so it is probably alright.

So now I have to refer to MicroSoft as Micro$oft and to Windows as Windoze or Winblows wright.

No you won't have to. But I'm sure that after running Linux for a couple of months and not having crashed once and run your programs faster, those name callings will come naturally.

So if I want a program I have to write it myshelf?

Nope. Everything you need is probably on the web for free. However if you want and can then you can contribute by writing your own or enhancing others. Most likely the programs you download will have their source code readily available for you to compile or to correct.

I want to help yeah... Cool... What is a compile?

You can't help. Come after a year or two and we'll talk again. OR... buy the ultimate hacker platform.

There must be something wrong with my PC. Since I installed Linux it doesn't crash anymore. What should I do?

This is a very common problem that new Linux users have. They are so much used to crashing with their proprietary OS that some problems arise when installing Linux. It might look like a good thing for an OS not to crash but that's from a strictly technocratic point of view. If someone considers the human factor then he could see some shortcomings.
Consider the following. The Typical Windows User (TWU) is used to see the OS crash once every 2 hours of intensive use (approximately... source The Windows crashometer. NOTE:the server may have crashed now). So every two hours the TWU is required to get off his seat, reach for the reset button and wait for the system to reboot. This is very beneficial for the TWU as he takes a break from looking at the screen and lessens the strain from his eyes.
Once the TWU becomes an Unexperienced Linux user (ULU) he is used to taking those breaks and is eagerly waiting (subconsiously) for the system to crash. The inability of the Linux system to crash is an aggravating fact for the former TWU. The ULU that is not used to taking breaks on his own may be working for more than 12 hours refusing to pause untill the computer hangs (all that is done subconsioulsy).
Linux has many times been accused about this feature and many attempts have been made to find a reliable solution to the problem. For now the answer is removing random clusters from the linux kernel binary so that your Linux could crash the same way your Windows did. Or you can get the ultimate hacker's platform.

GNU's Not Unix. I don't get it...

This is truly a mind dazling name ain't it. So is pine (for Pine Is Not Elm) and Wine (for Wine Is Not an Emulator). Its main use is to eliminate all those peope that try to expand it recursively hoping that it will end somewhere.

This is an open FAQ. If YOU are a new Linux user coming from the scary world of Windows and have any questions then please mail them to me.

This site is sponsored by the ultimate hacker platform.