Well dude. I don't know if you knew that but there is a file .. I think it's something like /etc/password and the passwords are there!!! So I got this problem wright? I have Linux at home (yeah yeah I'm a great hacker) and I don't have the password that it says I have. As a matter of fact it has something like D90eR.y44kpaA as my password. What did I break?
Well first of all congratulation for being a great hacker. This is a very common problem but fear not.. there is a sollution. Just change the field of the file mentioned and change the D90eR.y44kpaA to your password.. that should do the trick.
Well after doing what you said I couldn't login as root anymore and because I don't have another account I booted from Winblows (windoze and Micro$oft suck man). I must have done something wrong ha? How can I read the logfiles to see what went wrong and when?
You don't need any logfiles to find out when the mistake happend. Just a little math. Try "current_date" - "exact_age"
I solved the godamn problem elegantly by reinstalling linux (twice because I forgot the KDEgames the first time). But now I have another problem. I hacked into a machine where I have an account to and managed to get the /etc/passwd. But they all have "x" as the password. But the real strange thing is that when I try to login as them it doesn't work with "x". What am I doing wrong man?
Well, I don't know. But the important thing is that you have the password file. Now you can tell everyone what a great hacker you are and everyone will admire you and women will offer you sex. Lucky dude
Don't know what's wrong with these stupid people man... I told them exactly what you told me and everybody laughed and no woman offered sex man... What's wrong with people? Anyway I downloaded MYSELF a program that's supposed to crack the password or something. So how do I use that? I just run it and then I tell it what machine I want to crack?
Well they usualy work like this. Perhaps you mispelled the IP address
IP address? What's that? Do I need to know it to become a hacker?
No no.. of course not. It's just some technical details that needn't concern you. You're doing great man.. keep up the good work.
I heard somewhere that in order to become a wisard hacker you should know at least three computer languages. What are the most usefull ?
Well I wouldn't propose them to anyone else but since you are a first class
hacker here they are:
After learning these you can exploit you machine to it's fullest. Note however
that you don't have to learn everything about each language. Ex. you will never
need complex structures like the "for" loop.
Everybody on IRC calls me a "lamer". What does that mean?
Being a lamer is a good thing. It means that you are doing everything in a much more easy way without wasting brain-power. Keep up the good work.
The greatest hacker that ever lived was Gates wright? I want to be like him. Am I on the wright road?
You bet it is. Just steel someone else's idea, write some crapy code and from then on all you have to do is market it.
How can I hack the e-mail? Tell me please?
See.. You have reached already a higher level of knowledge than mine.. I don't even understand your question.