

This is the perl version of the quoter. :) You can find the C version here. To be honest i write this one to cover the need of my homepage for random quotes. Ok, i know all about the program 'fortune' but i don't care. I just wanted to make it myself :).
For any comments just mail me at bkarak@aueb.gr This program is under the Gnu Public License. :)


Current version is 0.04.
You can download the program by clicking here. ( i know this is not the best code you'll ever seen ... but i just wanted the program to work :) )

The archive contains the following files: You can find more Quote files here(The collections originally can be found with the program "fortune"):
Quote Collection 1, Quote Collection 2, Quote Collection 3, Quote Collection 4


There are five configuration parameters in the quoter.pl file.

$CONFIG_FILE - filename to quote configuration file
$QUOTE_MARK - see template file format
$EXTRA_HTML - the string that the program will append between each quote line
$APPEND_EXTRA_HTML - 0 do not append $EXTRA_HTML between each quote line,1 append
$DEBUG - 0 no debug output,1 debug output

quoter.conf format

The format of the quoter config file is:

FILE=[quote_filename] @@ QUO_NUMBER=[number_of_quotes_in_file] @@ HTML_FILE=[filename_of_template]

remember that the qconf.sh search and finds the *.quo files, counts the quotes and builds the config file.
the qconf script takes as first paramater the quote separator of the *.quo files.

Template file format

The format of a tmplate file is very simple. It's raw text, just put on a single line the QUOTE_MARK describe in quoter.pl.
This mark will be replaced by the quote. A small example follows:

Just a simple demo ....
The quote will replace the next line.
ok done

quote file format

The valid syntax for a quote file is the following:


The quote separator assumed to be the first line of each quote file.